
Java framework for easy creation of (RESTful-)APIs for interactive visualizations.

Interactive Data is developed by Philipp Schürmann for his Master Thesis at University of Hamburg. The complete document will be provided here after it is finished.

Sample App on Heroku

Sample App Source Code

Project Structure

Interactive Data is divided into multiple modules. See the table below for more information on modules:

. InteractiveData
├── interactive-data-core
|     Core framework with basic functionality
├── interactive-data-processors
|     Annotation Processors for JSR 269 Service Locator
├── interactive-data-spring
|     Integration module for Spring Framework
└── interactive-data-spring-boot-starter
      Starter Template for easy start with Spring Boot


The following code snippets will show the basic usage of InteractiveData. For additional information see the Sample App or JavaDoc.

Maven Dependency

Until the release of the first stable version, InteractiveData cannot deploy to Maven Central. Snapshot releases are deployed to OSSRH Snapshot Repository. Add the snapshot repository to your maven project by adding the following to your pom.xml:

        <name>OSSRH snapshot repository</name>

Core Framework

The core framework will provide basic functionality. It enables you to define charts and create filters and operations. Though the core will NOT provide an API on its own. Use one of the integration modules to integrate the framework into your environment. Add the following dependency to your Maven project:


Spring Boot

Interactive Data has a starter template for an easy start with Spring Boot. This will auto configure everything for direct start. Add the following dependency to your Spring Boot project:


To start a new project from scatch use to initialize a Spring Boot project.

Define Charts

Interactive Data uses annotations to define charts whose data is than exposed over an API. The following example shows a very basic definition of a chart for visualizing climate data.

public class SensorCharts {

        name = "temperature",
        dataSource = TemperatureDataSource.class,
        filter = @FilterDef(
            filter = SearchFilter.class,
            fieldName = "stationId",
            fieldClass = Long.class
        axis = {
                dataField = "time",
                dataType = Date.class,
                type = Axis.Type.X,
                filter = TimeFilter.class,
                granularity = TimeGranularity.class
                dataField = "temperature",
                dataType = Double.class,
                type = Axis.Type.Y,
                functions = Average.class
    public LineChartData temperature(LineChartData data) {
        // Further enhance data before sending
        return data;


You can find more information on using and developing with Interactive Data in the wiki. See some examples from the Getting Started Guide below:

1. Integrate Framework

2. Create a Data Source

3. Define Charts

4. Use the API


The Interactive Data framework is released under the MIT License.